Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay)

John Bonini
2 min readFeb 28, 2018


It takes a balance of diet, exercise, and sleep to keep one’s body in shape.

Similarly, it takes a balance of reading, writing, and listening (sorry, arithmetic!) to keep one’s mind in shape.

Last week, Barry Ritholtz re-tweeted a photo-op with a fan from India, Vishal Khandelwal:

Ritholtz’s blog and podcast are definitely worth the follow.

But take a look at Vishal’s personal reading spectrum:

Image Credit: Vishal Khandelwal

It’s true that we need to funnel information into buckets of either short-term (ephemeral) or long-term (enduring) storage.

The blogs, podcasts, and books that Vishal recommends should look familiar, but I’m worried that the general public probably has a disregard or indifference toward them.

It’s too strong of a hope to have everyone read thousands of pages of historic investing lessons as well as to listen to countless hours of weekly finance and tech advice, but boy would that make for a different world.

If somehow people found a way to disregard the pits of social media and instead devoted time to constructing a personal roadmap of how to live and learn, then a lot of the carnival barkers that infest our society would be out of work.

A roadmap will surely never been perfect from the outset, but the benefit is the freedom to find new and greener paths along the way…



